Karpel Law Group
Getting a Settlement
Get Experienced Defense on Your Side
Getting a Settlement
A resolution, or settlement, is the result of what is commonly known as "plea bargaining."People enter into a plea bargain for many reasons. It is not always because they are guilty. Often times a person wants the case to simply "go away" as quickly as possible and as painlessly as possible. Other times, a person is accused of a lot of charges and enters into a settlement so that more serious charges are dropped in exchange for accepting responsibility for significantly lesser charges.
The Karpel Law Group prides itself in attempting to secure creative alternative sentences for each individual. This may include drug diversion, drug treatment and counseling, anger management, community service, sex compulsion classes, psychological counseling, continuing education and, of course, probation. It may also include alternative institutions to prison or jail.
Cases can be settled by good lawyering and creativity. You hire us for both.You are the client. You make the decisions. It is our job to provide you with all the options possible as well as the legal counseling of the nature and consequences of your settlement. We utilize our expertise as well as every possible avenue to provide you whatever options are available.
Creative & Alternative Sentences: Our experience has proven that there exist many types of creative sentences and alternatives to state prison and jail that are never explored by other attorneys. The Karpel Law Group has been involved with tremendous success in creative sentences, including some of the following:
- Electronic home detention or monitoring
- Private jails & weekend custody programs (instead of county jail)
- Work furlough programs
- In-patient facilities for direct treatment for mental disease, psychological issues, alternative lifestyles, substance abuse
- Half-way houses
- 90-day diagnostic facilities (instead of state prison)
- Drug & alcohol treatment and counseling programs
- Anger management classes
- Community service
- Sex compulsion classes
- Psychological counseling
- Continuing education
- Restitution center (facilities)
- Probation
- Victim & witness interviews
- Extensive and thorough review of evidence and police reports
- Follow up and development of leads
- Police interviews
- Photographs/videos
- Sketches, diagrams and measurements
- Forensic evidence testing
- Background investigations of involved parties
- Establishment of motive to lie
- Development of evidence of impossibility
- Early intervention
- Locating other wrongly accused individuals
- Confidential informants and sources
- Public record searches
- Psychiatrists and forensic psychologists
- Firearm and ballistics
- Eyewitness identification
- Gang
- Medical & pathology
- Forensic accounting
- Sexual assault
- Coerced confession
- Questioned document examiners: handwriting & fingerprinting
At the Karpel Law Group, we think "outside the box."
If you have found yourself in a legal situation and you need a criminal defense lawyer and want to avoid a lengthy trial and settle your case under the best circumstances possible, contact us today at (888) 758-8186 for more information or the meet with a lawyer for a free consultation.
Why Clients Trust Karpel Law Group
Expertise, Affordability, Results